Written by Paul Stewart
The recognition and the acknowledgement that we are source energy, is empowering.
It is common sense, that the energy of life which may be called God by choice, is all-pervasive. It stands to reason, that we are it and that there is no separation. To sense it, to feel it, and to know it, we claim it. We quickly see any beliefs and thoughts that are obscuring our possibilities.
Worship is a sense of separation. It places the power outside your self. Often, onto someone else. This is not what masters have taught, and nor is it what they requested. In fact, it is quite the opposite of what they have said. Second -hand words twisted the meanings to give different impressions of the guidance given.
Perhaps this is why we see the worshipping of leaders in politics. Again, putting the power outside of ourself and outside of our immediate community. And what have these leaders done with that power? I believe we would benefit from a more facilitating approach to such roles, with the acknowledgement of peoples rights and empowerment as some structures are still useful.
For the individual, to claim your mastery, you claim your life. The life that you are.
You accept the best that you can do, and you take responsibility for it. You allow your self to hear your self, even if you invite and choose to listen to other beings and perspectives.
The concept of your self as source energy, can be consciously integrated into daily living in ways of your choosing. Here I will share a practice I have used. You might like to expereince it your self.
Today I walked to the shops with a focus on source energy. I breathed in the concept and felt it throughout my body as I walked. I observed the sensations of the air on my skin, and the different movements of my body both right and left. The presure of my feet on the ground. I also noticed what pulled me out of focus. The distractions. I also registered awarenesses and ideas that I had during this walk.

This type of exercise can be done during any walk, bikeride, daily task etc.